Mechanical Assembly Columbia SC
A worker is seen on an assembly line. SMF offers mechanical assembly services.

Looking for Mechanical Assembly in Columbia SC?

If your company is searching for a company you can count on to provide quality mechanical assembly in Columbia SC, you’ve found it! At SMF, we can cut it, form it, weld it, solder it, powder coat it and assemble it – we are your one-stop metal fabrication and machine shop.

IS SMF Experienced At Mechanical Assembly?

SMF has the space, equipment and experience you require. We have assembly line personnel ready to assemble the components we’ve just fabricated for you. If you have hardware, seals and similar components you need us to add, that’s no problem. We’re experienced in these mechanical assembly services:

  • Welding: Whether you need welding by our professional welders or robotic welding service, we can meet your needs for high-quality welding.
  • Soldering: Ask us about our soldering services if your product includes delicate components or softer metals.
  • Brazing: Brazing is another option for joining two pieces of metal. It is somewhat like welding, but does not involve melting the two pieces together.
  • Mechanical Assembly: We can manufacture components for you and then add such common fasteners such as bolts, screws, nuts, hinges, etc. to meet your exact specifications.

What Makes SMF Different?

When you work with SMF, you get a Tier One supplier to Original Equipment Manufacturers that is held to high quality standards by our many Fortune 500 clients. Whether you’re a small business or a multinational corporation, we extend these same quality standards to you. We consider our relationships with our customers one of our most valuable assets and that shows in everything we do. We have the equipment and expertise necessary to complete your projects to your exact specifications – on time and within budget. Regardless of whether your project is small or large, your satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us. We want to be the company you always turn to for high-quality metal fabrication and related manufacturing.

What Makes SMF A One-Stop Metal Shop?

We pride ourselves on being able to meet virtually any need our customers could have. That includes design, production and assembly of your products. We work hard to partner with you in producing high-quality products in a manner that is both convenient, stress-free and cost-effective. Our array of complementary and related metal manufacturing and metalwork services, includes:

  • Machining
  • Laser cutting
  • Forming
  • Plasma cutting
  • Saw cutting
  • Blasting
  • Welding
  • Powder coating
  • Assembly
  • Brazing
A worker is seen on an assembly line. SMF offers mechanical assembly in Columbia SC.

High-Quality Mechanical Assembly Is Just A Phone Call Away!

SMF stands ready to exceed your expectations for mechanical assembly in Columbia SC – as well as any related metal fabrication and machining you may also need. Call us at 864-226-0470. No job is ever too large or too small for us! We are headquartered in Illinois but have an additional campus in Anderson, S.C. We serve clients throughout the United States.